Working in a group of five, you will take on one of the following roles:
1) An American soldier
2) An American general
3) A local farmer
4) The 5 year old daughter of a farmer
5) A British journalist
Please post your writing as a comment below and don't forget to include your name and to indicate which role you are writing in.
The general
ReplyDeleteToday I watched my teams members fall. Almost completely away from life. Almost completely from victory. I don’t think we will make it, even when I’m supporting my men, and telling them we are the champions, I truly believe were far from it.
I sat with a good soldier today, a good friend. He lost both of his legs recently.
He held my arm, “if I don’t make It out, take care of my family, tell them I’m always here, even when you cant see me, I’ll still be loving you.” He whispered through his tears. But as I sat with him, I also realised how proud I’ve become of my team. My family.
I love them like my own.
i believe that they will try to the best of the ability , i know that they wont stop until death falls upon them.
5 year old daughter of a farmer
ReplyDeleteMy daddy always tells me to be careful. I didn’t know it was going to happen today. My mummy and daddy told me that we lived in a dangerous place, but we can’t move because we don’t have enough money. Daddy went to work; he said he will be back soon. But he’s still not home! We heard loud noises and mummy said to get under shelter. We hid in the cupboard and waited… The noises were giving me a headache, I wanted them to stop! Finally when it did we both got out seeing our whole house blown up and all our things ruined and all the animals dead. Even Mr Piggy! We just saw everyone running around and crying in sadness. Everyone’s houses were destroyed! I just wanted my Daddy! Someone came up to mummy and told her something. She fell to her knees and started crying. I knew it was bad. She told me that daddy wasn’t coming back and that he was with the angels. I miss my daddy and I wish that he had never left that day. I love him so much and always will.
An American soldier- with my hands over my eyes, I can barely bring myself to look at what is before me. Trembling with fear and cautiously moving, I creep towards the battlefield. Choking on the smell of thick smoke, from the damaging bombs, I can feel the heavy fog churning around my body. Demolished houses surround me as I shout for my fellow companions. I can hear screams of terror, so loud they make me shudder inside, it’s like poison to my ears. My wife and child flash before my eyes, I loose sight of all freedom. I feel my legs starting to collapse, but I have to power through. This is my job. My pride. My country. by April and Katy :)
ReplyDeleteSophie and Jess
ReplyDeleteA farmer’s point of view:
Every day I see those soldiers flying up high in their planes, and not once have they hurt us, until today. It was an extremely sunny day today, and I have to see to my crops frequently. All of a sudden the sky turned grey and the sun hid behind the clouds, and I knew instantly it was a sign.
I could hear the familiar roar of the plane engines above me, and shouting of innocent citizens coming from the village. Once I heard the explosions, I knew I needed to find my family and escape.
Once I got out of the fields and into the perimeter of the village, I heard another explosion behind me, and when I turned, I saw what wreckage my field had turned into. I continued towards the village, and soon found myself in the middle of tragedy.
I called and called for Rosie, and my wife Joyce, but no reply.
I searched through the rubble the planes had left in their wake, and found nothing. Meanwhile, the remaining villagers had gathered around a ruin of a house, and were digging through the rubble. I joined them, and heard Rosie’s voice.
I cried out with joy that she was alive, and became determined to get her out. Thanks to the help of the villagers, she is safe and sound now, but my wife is still missing. I miss her terribly, and whenever I think of her kind gentle manner tears spring to my eyes. Rosie continues to ask for her, but I cannot find a way to tell her that Joyce is missing. It would break her heart.
Many of the villagers have lost family members, and are all very upset. We are planning to have a burial service tomorrow for the bodies that have been discovered. We are homeless at the moment because our house, much like others, was destroyed and now is rubble. All of our valuables have gone with the house, and we have nothing.
Emma Whittaker + Jade Richardson (An American General)
ReplyDeleteThe war is disastrous. My men are dying by the hour, and they are tiring out. None of us like it here, and without a doubt, we all just want to go back to our homes and family.
But we must fight for them and everyone else, who will live in poverty and debt. And if we don’t, we will only bring our families down.
Today, we went to Afghanistan, where 148 men died, fighting for the people there. It brings us to shame, to think that people can live in such a way. It’s just so dirty and loud.
It’s so different to the environment the men and me are used to. They are not used to fighting in such conditions, like this. It’s horrendous.
We need to win this war. For the people. For our family.
Emma Whittaker + Jade Richardson (An American General)
The war is disastrous. My men are dying by the hour, and they are tiring out. None of us like it here, and without a doubt, we all just want to go back to our homes and family.
But we must fight for them and everyone else, who will live in poverty and debt. And if we don’t, we will only bring our families down.
Today, we went to Afghanistan, where 148 men died, fighting for the people there. It brings us to shame, to think that people can live in such a way. It’s just so dirty and loud.
It’s so different to the environment the men and me are used to. They are not used to fighting in such conditions, like this. It’s horrendous.
We need to win this war. For the people. For our family.
3) The Local Farmer.
ReplyDeleteI am Khundina and my crops for next year have been ruined because of the ridiculous tactics of the American army. I am a farmer in the village of Arant my crops have been ruined because a bomb landed on them. I was fast asleep then I could hear my dog bark and I woke up. Then I could hear a very loud plane fly over and then all of a sudden this huge explosion just suddenly happened with no warning. I rushed over to see what happened. Many people in the village lost their lives that night and most of the village had been destroyed. It was devastating. All that was left was rubble and dust. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. It was like being trapped inside a nightmare, all I could hear was screaming and the rattle of a gun. For they thought the Taliban were here. Then morning came and I couldn’t believe the scale of the explosion. The American’s have left but the damage they have done is still here. The village rumour is that they may come and attack again, but that is just a rumour. I’m not sure what to do now. I have lost everything, my food, my friends, my wife, and my village. I have a 5 year old daughter and when she finds out that mummy is dead what will she think. I have nothing.
By Thomas Dodsworth and Niall Murphy.
I am a local farmer who was once living on my farm, but what I can now call the ruins of my home. When they came I tried to hide me and my family but it didn’t stop them attacking our farm. All the crops and animals were taken or destroyed, all of our supplies were gone leaving the village devastated. Not having enough money to take care of my family has always been my main concern and I cant believe that one group of people could take everything I have and leave me helpless. I cant chase the memory away, all the anger and heartache bubbling inside me. My children do not feel safe in there own home, they do not have a real child hood, this hurts me the most. They scream out for me at night. We hardly leave here now, always working trying to rebuild what we can save. When I try to sleep, the pictures of my friends running, trying to get away from it, praying for survival come in to my mind. I hear their screams as they fall hopelessly to the floor, still trying with all their will to escape this nightmare we lived.
ReplyDeleteby josie and amie- the local farmer...
A bead of sweat trickled down my cheek as the truck suddenly stopped and pulled into the target location. I felt my hands shaking as I clutched my gun, I thought that I would drop it as we got out. Without any warning the door suddenly opened and a storm of bullets sprayed into the truck. My ears suddenly became mute. The sound of guns was too much for me to handle, it was nothing as I had expected. I could faintly hear the cries of my friends as they were struck down by the deadly shells. I could hear the stumbling of the rivals approaching the door; I could feel their hunger for blood and anguish.
ReplyDeleteThe remaining soldiers and my general urged me to cover them whilst they called for backup. After they had called for help we had to sit quietly and play the waiting game. It was the longest 5 minutes of my entire life; I felt that I would never see my beloved family again. My hands were shaking more than ever when I heard the incoming steps of a nearby individual. Everybody within the truck went silent, pretending to be dead. The enemies searched the truck thoroughly for any remaining survivors. Luckily our attempt to hide from them succeeded. Suddenly, a foreign sound occurred, it was a feint noise of a braking vehicle. It was our backup! As our allies pulled into the village the sound of there shouts was music to my ears and I was relieved from the fear that had engulfed me ever since the massacre of our squadron. jack massey and jacob delos santos
5 year old daughter - By Megan lelliott and Rebecca Cannon.
ReplyDeleteDaddy always said that the nasty men would never come near us. He said he would protect me but I don’t seem so sure now. They took mummy the other day, daddy said she would be back soon. I hear him cry at night and there is a feeling inside me that mummy might never come home. Daddy gets angry when the gunshots go, sometimes I hear him talking to himself, its as if im not even here anymore. He goes on about how the nasty men are taking his land and all my pets, I used to play with them on the beautiful green grass but now I cant. Daddy said the nasty men are getting closer and closer and some day we might have to move. But it isn’t all bad, Daddy said there are people out there trying to help. I pray at night before I go to bed , wishing that mummy will come home, and that someone out there will hear my prayer. Sometimes the bombs are dropped so close that the ground shakes, I hide under the bed because I don’t think that daddy can protect me for much longer. Every day when I wake up I fear that I might not be going back to sleep. People are trying to rebuild and forget down the road, where everyone has gone to heaven. I hope that I will be able to carry on with life but sometimes I feel I cant.
The 5 year old daughter of a farmer
ReplyDeleteI heard a loud bang. That was it, the nightmare had begun. There are loads of weird men taking my stuff, breaking my favourite swing. I don’t understand why? No-one will tell me what’s going on, my life is like a nightmare in a horror film. My dad is shouting, screaming for help. If only he told me, maybe I could do something to help. I’m all alone. I can’t take anymore they’ve already taken my mother. The hardest part was saying goodbye, I couldn’t understand what she’s done now. I was screamed at, beaten, torn to shreds, threatened that if I told anyone who killed her, I would be next. How am I supposed to live like this? The last thing I have left is my teddy, every night I spend holding her and close my eyes hoping it would go away, my family is falling apart my daddy keeps drinking going crazy ruining my room, what did I do so wrong? I just wish it would stop, I don’t want to be here anymore. I’m just told to stay where I am all day long. I can hear, what I can only imagine is gunshots every second. I want to help. I want to fix things. The little flowers me and my mum planted have been trampled on, the chickens have been killed my dad doesn’t know what to do, he cant cope, he cant get any money, there’s nothing to do. I haven’t eaten for 6 weeks; I may as well be dead. My mouth cries for water, I’m so pale, I need to eat there’s nowhere to get food, only a smashed crumbled house which I have to steal from every now and then if I need food. There’s not much left all the other kids know about it, I get kicked to the ground and trampled on and they get all the good stuff, there’s a little boy he saves me an egg everyday, me and my dad have to share I barely get anything, but I suppose that’s fair he has to get up at 5:30am and goes out looking fine and comes back cut and covered in blood stains. I end up having to occupy myself with broken shards of glass and draw on the little floor we have, every days the same. Gunshots, in the shed alone, waiting for peace and it to stop but I can’t stop them, they haunt me in my sleep, they follow me, they try and grab me and pull me along what can I do? Everyday I pray, praying for peace.
Megan Valentine and Georgia sargent.