Wednesday, 11 May 2011


Learning Objectives:
  • To revise the ways in which a reader can evaluate the reliability of a text
  • To learn to write high quality analysis of a text’s tone and reliability

Task One: Writing as the character on the card you have been given, write a paragraph describing the royal wedding. Think about the language/tone your character would use and the things they would notice.
Task Two: Read the rest of the class's responses to to task one and write a comment explaining which you think is the most reliable description and which is the least reliable. Make sure you give reasons for your answer.


  1. matthew and lewis o'd11 May 2011 at 11:41

    the royal wedding is a disgrace. We shouldn't have a monarchy. It should be abolished with immediate affect!!! they sit there spending 10 million pounds on a wedding which no-one cares about! We have payed for their wedding with our taxes and yet they still get more recognition and more recreation time than us! It is a total disgrace!!!

  2. I'm really happy for my friend Harry's brother getting married, but if im being honest I'm looking forward to the after party much more than the actual wedding, although the wedding is still beautiful and amazing.

  3. Celia and Chloe11 May 2011 at 11:41

    The wedding was phonomal and the best way to celebrate young love. I loved the dress and it was definaty unique, with the chior, trees and Cathrines beautiful dress. Although the tradition was broken without a arranged wedding, it was still amazing. I love the royal wedding and it was all thanks to them that we won the war. I enjoyed watching the wedding at home i would of loved to go.

  4. David Hillman and Thomas Chapman11 May 2011 at 11:42

    This is really boring. I've been posted here for the whole day but nothing has happened. I want some action, something interesting where i can show my talent and get a promotion. I know it sounds a bit evil but i almost hope that there is some terrosrist action. I want a chance to pull the trigget of this MP5k. I don't even have anyone to keep me company. I'm just waiting for this stupid wedding to finish so i can go home and down a budwiser.

  5. Angharad and Amelia11 May 2011 at 11:42

    Oh my,this is the best day of my long life. Catherine's dress is so beautiful and Elgant stepping out of the old chapel. Back in my day no one had dresses like that espcially on my big day- My mother made my dress from our curtains and that same dress has been passed down 4 generations, what was I saying? Oh yes, the wedding- we have everything to thank from the royal family, they got the country throught some tought times.

  6. Lauren and Katie11 May 2011 at 11:42

    First impressions of Kates dress;
    -beautifully made with high quality stiching and detail
    -simple and sophisticated
    -perfectly fitted
    -clean white, not ivory or cream
    -obviously well designed
    -Interesiting twist with french lace over the collar bone
    -McQueen classic, with Grace Kelly inspirations

    Report due asap

  7. Aimee and Amber11 May 2011 at 11:42

    10:50 am. Alert and ready. Armed with weapons. Waiting for anything unusual. I scan the front row cautiously as I hear the fan fair for the Queen echo through the crowds. Four men in the front row attract my attention. Dressed in black and shuffling nervously. I get the attention of a fellow colleuge, and nod towards them. We go attacks today.

  8. Alex&&Jenni :) !11 May 2011 at 11:42

    I have been on the Whiskey a little so my vision of the crowds was a little bit off. I was pushed onto the balcony and raised my hand towards the cheering crowd. I lifted the smelly little kid into my arms so she could see the cheering crowds. I couldnt bare the stench of her so i had to hold her about 30 cm away from me. And into the cheering crowd.

  9. Im here outside Blenham Palace, awaiting the Prince and his Bride, to walk out here on this historical balcony! Once stood on by Dianna and Phillip. And here they are! The Beautiful Bride Kate and The Smart grinning William. If You could hear what i hear now. The sound is ear-cracking! Camera's are blaring with light! There are even tears of happiness with the camera crew! Its such an emotional moment for everyone. And on comes the Queen followed by Phillip and the Bridesmades...........

  10. Molly + Chloe - Here we are outside the church just a few feet away from the beautiful bride to be and the charming prince William. In side i can here the beautiful sound of choir boys singing filling the entire church with a rich sound. This is going to be a day to remember.

  11. This is a complete abomination! Those over-priviledged swines shouldn't be treated any different from the rest of us, everyone is born the same and has the same rights so therefore should be treated the same! Everything about them makes me sick to my stomach, the way they walk, the way they act like they hate the publicity and especially the fact that they were born in to royalty. They have done nothing to deserve what they have or are given and most definately do not deserve a wedding on national television.

    David and Conor (Treen,Miles)

  12. hannah and kelly11 May 2011 at 11:44

    as kate emerged out of the car, one of britains best kept secrets was revieled. kates dress.

  13. Alex and Jenni :D11 May 2011 at 11:48

    We think that Amber and Aimee's is the most reliable as it is factual, unbaised and gives a straightforward unopinionated view of the days events. :D

  14. David and Thomas11 May 2011 at 11:51

    i think hawkins' comment is most reliable because it is a straight to the point account and he is enjoying the wedding so he wouldn't lie about it. I think that lewis and matthew's comment is the least reliable because they are just talking about how annoyed they are about it and how they regret it happening.

  15. Angharad and Amelia11 May 2011 at 11:51

    We would say Hawkin's is most reliable because it has a lot of discriptive words and explains alot about history and the actual account.
    Least reliable David and Conor- it just says their opinion and nothing about what is happening

  16. Matthew and Lewis11 May 2011 at 11:51

    Aimee's and Amber's was the most reliable as they portrayed a neutral view along with a first hand account of the details. Their language used was one of a honest person's.
    David Treen's and Conor Miles' is the least reliable as they showed complete biasism. Their opinions were completely sided negatively and refused to look at the other side of the argument.

  17. Alex and Jenni :D11 May 2011 at 11:52

    we think that the least reliable is ours, because the person reading it was drunk.

  18. Celia and Chloe11 May 2011 at 11:52

    Least Reliable: Is Jenni's and alexes as the person isnt sober and has no evidence, being on the whiskey, he is drunk which could make him over exagerate the truth.

  19. Aimee and Amber11 May 2011 at 11:52

    Lauren and Katie's was the most reliable because of the clear, broken-down information used. The bullet points make the information look more formal and organized. They also focused more on what they saw instead of using emotive language. Matthew and Lewis' is the most unreliable because of the amount of emotion used when writing, written from a bias point of view.

  20. Chloe and Mollie :)11 May 2011 at 11:52

    We believe that Matthew and Lewis' comment is the least reliable due to the bias language they use. They seem to be very emotional and they don't have the right set of mind at the time.

  21. i think conor and davids is the most reliable because they have opinionated thoughts on the kate and william saga and have strong views on the way that they should be treated the same as us human beings.

  22. Alex and ambers character is the most unreliable because there character has been drinking alcohol, whiskey to be exact. The most reliable character is Aimee and amber's, this is because they use the best vocabulary making the reader believe that they did not make it up and wrote it as they saw it.

  23. Alex and Jenni :D11 May 2011 at 11:53

    *writing not reading.

  24. Kelly and Hannah11 May 2011 at 11:53

    we think amber and aimee's text is realible as its says lots of facts and the persince time

    Kelly and Hannah

  25. I Think Angharad and Amelia's comment is the most reliable because they express the facts of what everything used to be like as a citizen and how the royal family were respected and are respected. The fact that they point out Kate coming out of the chappel and points out her long life suggests shes got intelligence of past events.

  26. Conor "The Ponz" Miles David "Daveo" Treen11 May 2011 at 11:55

    The most reliable source of information is Lewis o'd's and matthews. They explain how and why it is a complete waste of money that everyone else pays. They also give facts which makes it very reliable as facts are true.

    The most unreliable source of information is connor frays. He doesnt give any information on the wedding and his text was extremely short. It didn't give any source of truthful information about the wedding, but just what he was looking forward too.

  27. kay x and laura z guys
