Wednesday, 11 May 2011

How does George Lazarus convey his attitude towards specimen 14UR4z in his observation report?

In your answer, you should comment on:
  • The way he presents his findings
  • The langauge he chooses
  • The tone of his writing
Write your answer as a comment on this post.


  1. George Lazarus conveys his attitude towards subject 14UR4z through his in-formality of language. "Where we were trying to create a robot, we appear to have made a monster". This implies that he is dissapointed with his findings in his experiment so his report is influenced by his biased approach. The word "monster" shows that he isn't using sophisticated language, even though it is meant to be a factual report, so he isn't the most reliable writer.

  2. George Lazarus presents his findings in ways that are both reliable and non-reliable. Some evidence of his reliabe findings is "Status of specimen: Body Temperature: 38.5 degrees
    Blood pressure: normal
    Cerebral activity: none
    George Lazarus goes into great detail to explain and show the factual information about the specimen and it's traits/habits. If someone did not care about another person or another thing they would not have gone into this much detail to show statistics, which are the same as facts which also makes the text more reliable.

  3. Angharad and Amelia11 May 2011 at 12:20

    George Lazarus' attitude towards 14UR4z is that he wants the subject destroyed, he shows this through the presentation of his findings. The report written is in a very formal style suggesting that George is very emotionally dettached from the subject as it's wriitren and presented in a very blunt and official way; whereas is George was more emotionally connected to the subject hge may have written in in more of a relaxed and informal style with a higher use of emotive language and lack of obvious structure.

  4. Aimee and Amber11 May 2011 at 12:20

    George Lazarus conveys his attitude towards specimen 14UR4z in his report by slipping into emotive language at certain points within the text. He shows this in the "Recommendations" section, where he is allowed to write freely. This paragraph is specifically designed so he could include his opinion in the otherwise nonemotive text.
    "I want that little freak gone and I want her gone yesterday." The last line of the text is based entirely on George Lazarus' opinion. Before "Recomendations" the report is written in a style that the reader would consider factual with out any inside knowledge. However, the use of the "she" in the quote above implies a fond and humanized way of describing 14UR4z.

  5. Celia and Chloe11 May 2011 at 12:20

    George Lazarus conveys his attitude towards specimen 14UR4z in observation by saying how much he hates it and in a way puts across many emotions as if he is scared of it:
    "i want that little freak gone and i want her gone yesterday." When George uses this language he is putting alot of emotions of his in. When he uses the word "Freak" Lazarus puts a feeling of diffence and uses a metaphor, he also seperates her from himself and never uses her name and describes her as "Freak, Monster and Specimen 14UR4z".

  6. Chloe, Molly And Chloe11 May 2011 at 12:21

    George Lazarus presents his findings on experiemnt 14UR4z in a manner of formality and writes in a factual manner. A way he presents his findings is by providing a graph that show the braiin activity of the subject. From this graph the reader can see that the functioning of her mind decrease over time. However the lack of statistics and factual evidence on the graph shows that George Lazarus is being vague about his ideas and his lack of attention to detail. This clearly shows that it could be unreliable due to no statistics, this could be saying that he did not actually have any.

  7. lewis o'd and matthew11 May 2011 at 12:21

    In his observation report, George Lazarus portrays hatred towards specimen 14UR4z. He acheives this through the way he presents his findings. He gives a list of facts about the "specimen" and refers to her as if she is an object instead of the human being that she once was. This shows his hatred as if he really cared about her, rather than if he would display his findings in a more humane way and go into ,much more detail as humans are very complex creatures.

  8. Alex and Jenni11 May 2011 at 12:21

    George Lazarus conveys his attitude towards specimen L4UR4z in a way of complete fear and hatred. This is particularly implied in the quote
    "I want that little freak gone and I want her gone yesterday". This quote is incredibly informal and opinionated, it gives no statistics to prove this. The word "freak" implies the shear hatred towards specimun L4UR4z is overwhelmingly strong, and causes him to use opinions and informal language.

  9. George Lazarus conveys his attitude to specimen 14UR4z in a very negative and hateful way. He shows this by stating many things such as saying he wants her gone and that he has made a monster. These quotes show that he hates the result of the experiment they succedded in as he does not wish to have her alive in this world anymore and wants her to be terminated as soon as possible, also he believes he made a monster because they re created the woman with superb strength and anger which could represent the sterotypical monster.

  10. George Lazarus conveys his attitude towards 14UR4z in his observation report by expressing his information to seem reliable. "Behaviour: Specimen 14UR4Z has become highly unstable and demonstrated aggressive and violent." This information supplies evidence of what they are doing backed up by the fact he is including information such as his body tempurature and blood pressure. However, George also adds a sence of doubt to the information such as including a graph with no units.

  11. George Lazarus convey his attitude towards specimen 14UR4z with mixed emotions, but he comes accross and seriously hating her, it is possible that they may have a strong back ground with eatchother maybe they could of had a bad anecounter in previous life , this shows us that george is a type to hold grudges, he uses a strong and bold tone of writing this could explain his dulness and his lack of emotion towards death.

    we would of wrote loads more didn't have time sorry

  12. At first glance this observation report seems realible as it is presention in a clear formal layout, this makes is seem as though it has been writen by someone who knows what they are talking about.

  13. lauren and katie11 May 2011 at 12:24

    George Lazarus conveys a deeply layed opinion towards subject L4ur4z. On the first level, conveyed during the first section of the report, Lazurus shows a detached and emotionless relationship which the subject. He states many facts and figures, and uses a tone which is both official and detached. However this scientific detachment begins to deteriorate after a few paragraphs of writing,
