Friday 28 January 2011

"The Outsiders": Honour/Loyalty Quote Bank

Record any quotations which relate to the theme of honour/loyalty as comments on this post. Include the following information:

• Page number
• Which character the quotation relates to
• A brief explanation of what the quotation implies to the reader about the character (1 sentence)


  1. Page number 33
    "When you're in a gang,you stick up for the other members. If you dont stick up for them, stick together, male like brothers, it isn't a gang anymore."
    Quote for Ponyboy and also just in general.
    This quote refers to the closeness of the members of a gang and shows how much being part of a gang means.

  2. Page 14: "They got away this time, the dirty..."
    Two Bit says it to Ponyboy after Ponyboy asks "Didya catch them?"
    This shows that their opinion of the rival gang is really low.

  3. Page number 40
    "Surely no-one could beat him up like that and live"
    Said by Ponyboy. Refers to his strong protection over his friends and gang members.

  4. Page 99: "I started to say 'look who's talking' but decided it would be safer not to."
    Ponyboy's inner thought after he returns from having ran away. He says it to Dally.
    This shows that he respects Dally and understands how they look.

  5. Kelly/Hannah/Celia2 February 2011 at 13:38

    "Soda always takes up for me" This shows that Soda protects him = Ponyboy = page 16

  6. Page 147: "The truth of that last statement hit me. We couldn't get along without him."
    Ponyboy says it to Johnny when Johnny is critcally injured in the hospital.
    This shows that they are closely knitted together and if one person gets hurt they all feel the pain.

  7. Chloe, Chloe, Molly2 February 2011 at 13:39

    "They didn't hurt you too bad did they?" - Page 8. This shows that they are worried about him and they are being loyal and caring towards him.

  8. page 14 "they got away this time, the dirty. ponyboy- this implies he has very little respect for people

  9. Chloe,Chloe,Mollie2 February 2011 at 13:42

    Ponyboy speaking to Sherry - "Your a trator to your own kind and not loyal to us." This implies that she is nither entirely loyal to greasers or socs. This could also mean that she doesn't like to take sides.

  10. Page 29: "I'm sorry,Ponyboy" she said softly"
    This is Cherry talking to Ponyboy when he opens his heart to her.
    This shows she respects him and understands thestages he must be going through in a tuff gang where he is two years younger (or more)than anyone else in the group.

  11. Chloe, Chloe, Molly2 February 2011 at 13:44

    ^^ PAGE 157

  12. Angharad and Amelia2 February 2011 at 13:44

    Page 33 Ponyboy "you take up for your buddies no matter what they do" This shows you stick up closest to you no matter if some one dies even

  13. Angharad and Amelia2 February 2011 at 13:45

    Page 29 PonyBoy "I am a grease, same as Dally. He's my buddy" This shows Pony is not ashamed to be what he is

  14. Page 32: "Thats funny, I thought you looked...16"
    This is originally Maria's sentence but Cherry buts in and says "16" This shows that she respects that Ponyboy is different on the inside and he may be embarrased he is incredibly young.

  15. Chloe, Chloe, Molly2 February 2011 at 13:46

    "Leave my kid brother alone you hear" This shows that Sodapop is very protective of ponyboy and cares about him.

  16. Chloe, Chloe, Molly2 February 2011 at 13:47

    "When your a gang you stick up for the memebers." - This shows that there always going to stick up for eachother and protect eachother no matter what.

  17. Ponyboy: 'We're almost like brothers'

  18. Page 103: "A spy - who? "Cherry, what's her name"
    Ponyboy asks the question to Dally who answers "Cherry".
    This shows that Cherry, despite being a soc, still believes that everyone faces the same problem, and is willing to help anywhere and everywhere she is needed.

  19. Chloe, Chloe, Molly2 February 2011 at 13:48

    Sherry - "I kind of admire him" This shows that she is proud to know Dally and thinks he is an honourable person.

  20. Angharad and Amelia2 February 2011 at 13:53

    "It's not my idea of a good time to sit in a drive in and watch people get drunk" sherri pg34 this shows she has a higher class than others

  21. Ponyboy- 'The medium sized blonde pulled a knife out of his pocket.' This implies there is high tension beween the two.

  22. Lauren and Chloe2 February 2011 at 13:55

    Pg 14
    “They got away this time, the dirty…”
    This quote demonstrates that the Greasers are not afraid to curse another person violently, as long as they know one thing about they, they are socs. This shows that loyalty means a lot to gangs, especially the Greasers.

  23. Ponyboy: 'I'd heard that tone a million times "greaser...greaser...greaser"

    This shows that ponyboy is loyal because he sticks with the gang despite the judgement he gets

  24. Angharad and Amelia2 February 2011 at 13:59

    pg55 Bob Sheldon "Baby, you know we dont get drunk very often..." this shows he is upset and ashamed, the pause at the end showsloss of honour

  25. Lauren and Chloe2 February 2011 at 14:03

    Pg 37
    “Our one rule, besides stick together, is don’t get caught.”
    This shows that although the Greasers are some what lawless, they still have values and morals which they refuse to live without. This shows that loyalty and honour is incredibly important to them.

  26. Lauren and Chloe2 February 2011 at 14:11

    Pg 32
    “You didn’t join in with Dally’s dirty talk.”
    This shows that even though the Greasers stick together they still have their own sense of right and wrong.

  27. Lauren and Chloe2 February 2011 at 14:13

    Pg 29
    “I’m sorry ponyboy.”
    This shows that even though the gang fights amongst itself, apologies are always made.

  28. Page 195 (chapter 11)
    "Maybe he'd had black eyes. Like Johnny."
    Quote for Ponyboy and Bob sheldon.
    This quote shows that Ponyboy is making a link between Bob and Johnny, implying that they share certain characteristics and have high values to other people.

  29. Page 184 - "He's gonna blow up. He couldn't take it" This quote shows Dally's loyalty towards johnny becuse he has nothing left to live for now he's dead

  30. page 103/cherry valance, "a spy?" Jhonny looked up from his banana split "who?" "That good looking broad I tried to pick up that night you killed the Soc. The redhead, Cherry what's-her-name." This means cherry isn't loyal beause she has joined the greasers as a spy.

  31. (o) (o)

